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Turism&Travel : Survey: Washington, D.C. budget hotels score best ratings

Friday 09 December 2011

C. - Budget hotels in Washington, D.C.earn the highest marks among travelers a new survey has revealed. That finding is the result of 2 and 2.5 star accommodation reviews compiled by Of the 25 large metropolitan areas across the country that were ranked, the nation's capitol headed the pack in terms of guest satisfaction with its budget hotels.

Washington, D.C.'s number one ranking was determined by an analysis of the ratings hotel customers visiting the city gave to the 2 and 2.5 star hotels they stayed at over the past year. Here in the nation's capitol, 61% of budget hotels garnered a positive average rating while only 16% received an overall negative score. Runners-up included Charlotte, Indianapolis and Phoenix, with 58%, 58% and 57% satisfaction ratings respectively.

A trio of cities in California walked away with the unenviable distinction of securing the bottom three slots. San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles came away the biggest budget hotel losers, with guest satisfaction rates registering 34%, 33% and 28% respectively.

Following are the survey's full rankings. They show the percent of hotels achieving a positive average rating in each city over the past year.

1. Washington, DC 61% 2. Charlotte 58% 3. Indianapolis 58% 4. Phoenix 57% 5. Fort Worth 56% 6. El Paso 55% 7. Baltimore 54% 8. Austin 53% 9. Memphis 51% 10. Philadelphia 50% 11. Jacksonville 49% 12. Dallas 48% 13. San Antonio 48% 14. Houston 48% 15. Columbus 47% 16. Nashville 43% 17. Chicago 42% 18. San Jose 42% 19. Seattle 41% 20. Boston 40% 21. Detroit 40% 22. New York 39% 23. San Francisco 34% 24. San Diego 33% 25. Los Angeles 28%

Autor: eTurboNews
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