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e Turbo News
Turism&Travel :
Go it alone or with someone you trust: UniglobeMonday 25 October 2010Travel is Personal and Professional
As hoards of consumers head to their computers to make travel arrangements, the market for the independent travel agency has become competitive.
Turism&Travel :
Northern healingThursday 14 October 2010MONT TREMBLANT - Looking onto the glasslike sheen of an infinity pool after having been pampered with massages, facial masks, and various fancy treatments, I suddenly felt like I had a clear idea of what it must be like to live a life of true glamour.
Turism&Travel :
Hawaiian Airlines aircraft suffers damage from bird strikeMonday 11 October 2010HONOLULU, HI (eTN) - Unknown to the crew of a Hawaiian Airlines flight from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Portland, Oregon, the aircraft was hit by a bird strike, which caused damaged to an engine and wing flaps.
Turism&Travel :
Large banks creating a crisis for hoteliersWednesday 06 October 2010Almost 100 Asian American hotel owners held an emergency meeting in Atlanta in late August 2010 to discuss a strategy for addressing the financial crisis being created by the lending and foreclosure practices of large multi-state banks.
Turism&Travel :
New Canadian coalition created to prevent the sexual exploitation of childrenTuesday 05 October 2010TORONTO, Canada: Sexual exploitation of children around the world must stop.
Turism&Travel :
Plane held at gate after child onboard reported sickSunday 03 October 2010A flight from Mexico was held at a Colorado airport after a 23-month-old child onboard was reported sick, a Frontier Airlines spokeswoman said.
Turism&Travel :
Sãrbãtorirea Zilei Mondiale a Turismului: conservarea biodiversitatii, o responsabilitate colectivã (EN)Tuesday 28 September 2010Festivitãþile oficiale dedicate Zilei Mondiale a Turismului (WTD) 2010, ce au avut loc în Guangzhou, China, au subliniat necesitatea intensificãrii acþiunilor din sectorul turismului la nivel mondial - una dintre cele mai importante activitãþi economice - pentru conservarea diversitãþii biologice. Autor: UNWTO |
Turism&Travel :
UNWTO Sets Recommendations on Tourism and Biodiversity Ahead of World Tourism DayMonday 27 September 2010Defining the critical role of the tourism sector in protecting biodiversity and setting out clear recommendations on how to maximize this contribution is the aim of two new UNWTO reports. These recommendations come ahead of World Tourism Day 2010, (WTD), celebrated on 27 September under the theme ‘Tourism and Biodiversity’. Autor: UNWTO |
Turism&Travel :
Obama administration pushes for airline regulationSunday 26 September 2010(eTN) - In 1978, the United States government deregulated the airline industry, and by all appearances, everything was running along fairly smoothly until in recent years, fuel prices took a staggering upward turn because of the oil market.
Turism&Travel :
Seeking greater convention businessSunday 26 September 2010Conventions, in the guise of trade shows, may be one of the earliest forms of capitalism.
Turism&Travel :
Skytrain service takes off at Miami International AirportSunday 26 September 2010Now you can ride the train to your plane in Miami International Airport's new Concourse D.
Turism&Travel :
Amexica: War Along the US-Mexican BorderlineSaturday 25 September 2010For decades as a traveller, and 10 years as a reporter, I have been repelled and compelled by the charisma of the US-Mexican border – its seduction and its horrors, its firelight sun and occult shadows – to the point at which I had to write a book and give it the name that should, really, be that of the place: Amexica.
Turism&Travel :
Hawaii - a hit in Moscow Travel ShowThursday 23 September 2010eTurboNews and the the Hawaii Tourism Association (HiTA) jointly attended the 5th Luxury and Leisure Travel Show in Moscow.
Turism&Travel :
Hawaii- a hit in Moscow Travel ShowThursday 23 September 2010eTurboNews and the the Hawaii Tourism Association (HiTA) jointly attended the 5th Luxury and Leisure Travel Show in Moscow.
Turism&Travel :
Noul raport UNWTO subliniazã impactul schimbãrilor demografice asupra turismului (EN)Wednesday 22 September 2010Demographic change will have major implications for the tourism sector over the coming decades, but also presents important opportunities. This is among the central findings of the recently published UNWTO/European Travel Commission (ETC) report on ‘Demographic Change and Tourism’. Autor: UNWTO |