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e Turbo News

Turism&Travel :
Brand USA’s marketing initiatives have helped welcome 6.6 million incremental visitors to the USA
Monday 13 January 2020
As the destination marketing organization for the United States, Brand USA's mission is to increase incremental international visitation, spend, and market share to fuel the nation’s economy and enhance the image of the USA worldwide.
Autor: Octavian ANDRONIC
Turism&Travel :
Las Vegas Welcomes IPW 2020
Saturday 11 January 2020
U.S. Travel Association's IPW 2020 will be held Saturday, May 30, through Wednesday, June 3, at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Autor: Octavian ANDRONIC
Turism&Travel :
IPW 2019 brings thousands of buyers, suppliers and media to Southern California
Friday 07 June 2019
IPW gathers travel professionals—including U.S. destinations, hotels, attractions, sports teams and transportation companies, and international tour operators, buyers and wholesalers from around the world—to meet in one place to help bring the world to America.
Autor: Ana Stefania ANDRONIC
Turism&Travel :
IPW 2019 - editia ANAHEIM
Thursday 23 May 2019

Autor: Ana Stefania ANDRONIC
Turism&Travel :
DC Art: Un itinerar cultural complet
Wednesday 14 June 2017

Autor: Ana Stefania ANDRONIC
Turism&Travel :
Orlando (Florida) gazduieste pentru a 7-a oara International Pow Wow
Friday 13 March 2015
Cunoscuta drept “capitala” parcurilor de distractii din inima Floridei, acolo unde se afla SeaWorld, Universal Studios si DisneyWorld, Orlando este gazda, pentru a saptea oara, a celui mai important eveniment din idustria americana a turismului.
Autor: Ana Stefania ANDRONIC
Turism&Travel :
Membrii Organizatiei de Marketing in Turism din Romania (OMTR)
Thursday 12 March 2015
Cu prilejul lansarii Organizatiei de Marketing in Turism di Romania, care a avut loc la Romexpo,in cadrul Targului de Turism, a fost facuta cunoscuta lista membrilor organizatiei.
Autor: Ana Stefania ANDRONIC
Turism&Travel :
Two in five Americans feel less secure financially in 2012
Wednesday 04 January 2012
by Harris Interactive.
Autor: eTurboNews
Turism&Travel :
New rule requires airlines to include all taxes and fees in advertised fares
Thursday 29 December 2011

Airline passengers won't have to wade several steps into the booking process to see the full price of an airline ticket after a new rule goes into effect next month.
Autor: eTurboNews

Turism&Travel :
New York joins San Francisco in bleeding New Year tourists white
Thursday 29 December 2011

NEW YORK, NY - Ringing in the New Year in New York City this December 31 will be an expensive proposition for travelers who waited until the last minute to secure a reservation.
Autor: eTurboNews

Turism&Travel :
10 quirkiest New Year's Eve celebrations in America
Wednesday 28 December 2011

Autor: eTurboNews

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