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Turism&Travel : Two in five Americans feel less secure financially in 2012

Wednesday 04 January 2012
by Harris Interactive.

As this is an election year, it's interesting to see how these feelings of security, or lack of it, break down by political party. Over half of Republicans (55%) say they feel less secure while 7% say they feel more secure. Democrats are slightly more optimistic about what the current year will hold as one in five (20%) feel more secure and 28% feel less secure; half (49%) of Democrats feel the same as last year. For Independents, over two in five (43%) feel less secure and 14% feel more secure.

A look at household finances One in five Americans (19%) ended 2011 saying they expected their household's financial condition to be better in the next six months, half (53%) believe it will remain the same and 28% believe it will be worse. Last January, as 2011 dawned, over one-quarter (27%) believed their household's financial situation would be better in the coming six months, 27% believed it would be worse and under half (46%) believed it would be about the same.

Again, looking at political party, Republicans are more pessimistic than Democrats are about the coming six months. Just one in ten Republicans (9%) believes their household's financial condition will be better compared to 30% of Democrats. Among Independents, one-third (33%) believe the financial condition of their household will be worse in the next six months while 17% believe it will be better.

President Obama's handling of the economy This year brings the presidential election and how people perceive President Obama's handling of the economy will have a large impact on how he does in November. As 2011 ended, one-quarter of Americans (25%) gave the President positive ratings on his handling of the economy while 75% gave him negative ratings. In November, 22% gave President Obama positive marks while 78% gave him negative ones.

So What? In 1992, as Bill Clinton was running for election, his campaign came up with the one mantra they would use throughout the general election – "it's the economy, stupid." The thought was that people were hurting and as long as the campaign could show their candidate had answers to help, they would prevail. They were right and it just proved something long known in politics – people vote with their wallets. This election will be more of the same and people are hurting. President Obama needs to shore up his economic approval number to have a chance of prevailing in the general election.

TABLE 1 PRESIDENT OBAMA'S JOB RATING ON THE ECONOMY - TREND "Now, turning to something different, how would you rate the overall job that President Barack Obama is doing on the economy?"

Base: All adults


March April May June Aug Sept Nov Dec

% % % % % % % %

POSITIVE (NET) 47 49 46 43 39 40 34 36

Excellent 13 13 10 3 9 7 6 6

Pretty good 34 36 36 34 31 33 27 30

NEGATIVE (NET) 53 51 54 57 61 60 66 64

Only fair 30 27 30 27 25 27 30 30

Poor 23 24 24 30 36 33 37 34


Jan Mar Apr May June Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

% % % % % % % % % %

POSITIVE (NET) 31 32 33 36 32 32 29 27 31 30

Excellent 5 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 5

Pretty good 25 27 27 30 27 26 24 22 26 25

NEGATIVE (NET) 69 68 67 64 68 68 71 73 69 70

Only fair 31 30 31 29 32 29 31 33 30 34

Poor 39 37 36 34 37 39 40 39 39 36


Jan Feb* Mar May June July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

% % % % % % % % % %

POSITIVE (NET) 33 33 33 32 27 26 21 23 22 25

Excellent 7 9 5 7 5 3 2 3 3 4

Pretty good 26 24 28 26 22 23 18 20 20 22

NEGATIVE (NET) 67 62 67 68 73 74 79 77 78 75

Only fair 30 22 29 28 30 33 33 36 32 34

Poor 37 39 38 40 43 41 46 41 46 41

Note: Percentages may not add up exactly to 100% due to rounding; *In February "Not at all sure" was offered as a response choice and 4% responded in that way.

TABLE 2 PRESIDENT OBAMA'S JOB RATING ON THE ECONOMY – BY POLITICAL PARTY "Now, turning to something different, how would you rate the overall job that President Barack Obama is doing on the economy?"

Base: All adults

Total Political Party Philosophy

Rep. Dem. Ind. Cons. Mod. Lib.

% % % % % % %

POSITIVE (NET) 25 3 48 23 9 28 42

Excellent 4 * 7 2 1 4 6

Pretty good 22 3 40 21 8 24 36

NEGATIVE (NET) 75 97 52 77 91 72 58

Only fair 34 19 41 36 18 39 44

Poor 41 77 11 41 73 33 14

Note: Percentages may not add up exactly to 100% due to rounding; * indicates less than .05%

TABLE 3 FINANCIAL SECURITY "Compared to last year, how secure do you feel about your financial situation?"

Base: All adults

Total Political Affiliation Generation

Rep. Dem. Ind. Echo Boomers

(18-34) Gen. X

(35-46) Baby Boomers

(47-65) Matures


% % % % % % % %

MORE SECURE (NET) 14 7 20 14 17 15 15 8

Much more secure 3 1 5 2 4 2 2 2

Somewhat more secure 12 7 16 12 13 13 12 6

Same as last year 41 35 49 39 41 45 39 39

LESS SECURE (NET) 41 55 28 43 34 37 45 52

Somewhat less secure 21 28 16 21 19 20 21 28

Much less secure 20 27 12 23 15 17 25 25

Not sure 3 3 2 3 8 2 1 *

Note: Percentages may not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding

Note: * indicates less than 0.5%

TABLE 4 FINANCIAL SECURITY - TREND "Compared to last year, how secure do you feel about your financial situation?"

Base: All adults

2008 2009 2010 2011

% % % %

MORE SECURE (NET) 21 12 19 14

Much more secure 4 3 5 3

Somewhat more secure 17 9 14 12

Same as last year 34 30 36 41

LESS SECURE (NET) 38 56 42 41

Somewhat less secure 24 33 23 21

Much less secure 14 23 20 20

Not sure 7 3 2 3

Note: Percentages may not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding

TABLE 5 PERSONAL FINANCIAL EXPECTATIONS FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS - TREND "Thinking about your household's financial condition, do you expect it to be better or worse in the next 6 months?"

Base: All adults

2008 2009

Feb Mar June Nov Jan Mar April May June Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

% % % % % % % % % % % % % %

BETTER (NET) 39 33 40 24 20 20 23 25 21 24 23 23 18 19

Will remain the same 28 28 25 43 48 46 46 45 45 48 48 45 47 48

WORSE (NET) 34 39 36 33 32 35 31 30 33 28 29 31 35 33

2010 2011

Jan Mar April May June Aug Sept Oct Jan Dec

% % % % % % % % % %

BETTER (NET) 21 21 22 25 21 22 22 22 27 19

Will remain the same 49 47 50 47 52 52 50 49 46 53

WORSE (NET) 30 32 29 28 27 26 28 29 27 28

Note: Percentages may not add up exactly to 100% due to rounding.

TABLE 6 PERSONAL FINANCIAL EXPECTATIONS FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS – BY GENERATION AND POLITICAL PARTY "Thinking about your household's financial condition, do you expect it to be better or worse in the next 6 months?"

Base: All adults

Total Generation Political Party



(18-34) Gen X

(35-46) Baby


(47-65) Matures

(66+) Rep. Dem. Ind.

% % % % % % % %

BETTER (NET) 19 21 20 19 12 9 30 17

Will be much better 4 4 6 3 2 1 5 4

Will be somewhat better 15 17 15 16 10 8 24 13

Will remain the same 53 60 56 46 50 55 53 50

WORSE (NET) 28 18 24 35 37 36 17 33

Will be somewhat worse 20 13 16 23 29 28 11 23

Will be much worse 8 5 7 11 8 8 6 10

Note: Percentages may not add up exactly to 100% due to rounding.

Autor: eTurboNews
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