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Turism&Travel : Skal Seattle and Skal Victoria BC form partnership

Tuesday 09 February 2010

“We are working to increase business between the two clubs and begin new working and personal friendships,” said Linda Botts, SKAL International Seattle president.

The organizations are planning an upcoming regional event to promote cross-border and regional tourism between greater Seattle and Victoria on the south end of Vancouver Island and about 150 miles from Seattle.

“The catch phrase for SKAL International is ‘Leadership in World Tourism,'” said Alison Partridge, president, SKAL International Victoria. “Within this philosophy, SKAL Seattle and SKAL Victoria are working toward an increased exchange of business ideas and new relationships.”

SKAL International has 22,000 members worldwide from 500 clubs in 90 countries. Members include top representatives of travel agencies, tour operators, cruise lines, airlines, media, and travel and tourism companies.

Autor: eTurboNews
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